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5.1       Introduction

This chapter describes the entire implementation process for the first stage of the proposed application. This chapter gives a sequential list of the procedures and its details, which were followed during the implementation process (Note: Some of the procedures may have been performed iteratively as they may be dependent on each other). The starting point of the implementation was research on available technologies for 3D realtime rendering and databases followed by other procedures as described in this chapter.

5.2              Research on available technologies

Four different types of technologies were required in the implementation of this application:

  1. 3D realtime-rendering (e.g. OpenGL, DirectX, VRML, Java3D etc.),
  2. Databases (e.g. MS Access, MySQL, XML etc.)
  3. Base programming languages (e.g. Java, C++ etc.) and
  4. 3D content creation software (Visualisation software like AutoCAD, 3DSMAX, CorelDraw etc.).


5.2.1     Technology selection criteria

There are currently many 3d realtime-rendering technologies, database technologies, programming languages and visualization software, each having their own drawbacks and advantages. Selection of the appropriate technologies was very critical for successful implementation. The following criteria was considered:

  1. Ease of use (XML, high level API)
  2. Availability and expense.
  3. Prior knowledge (Java, MS Access, MySQL, AutoCAD, 3DSMAX, Corel Draw, WordPad)
  4. Interconnectivity between all four technologies,
  5. Availability of support for the technologies,
  6. The time period (12 weeks) for the implementation of the first stage of the application.
  7. Dependancies.
  8. Future potential of these technologies for future expansion.


5.2.2     Selection of Java3D for realtime-rendering

  1. API is available free.
  2. Easy integration with Java although using Swing components can be a problem due to heavy weight-light weight issues.
  3. Provides easy to use High-level 3D graphics API and a realtime-rendering platform.
  4. Portable across various platforms (future potential).
  5. Application can be easily made available on the Internet with some modifications (future potential).
  6. Easy connectivity with visualization software (using VRML, 3DS or DXF export in 3DSMAX, and corresponding VRML, 3DS, DXF loader in Java3D).
  7. Although under development, strong support is available through community discussion forums.


5.2.3     Selection of XML as Database:

  1. Easy and quick to use, learn, and implement,
  2. Portable across various platforms,
  3. Easy connectivity with java (Java API for XML connectivity available free of cost),
  4. Can be used on the Internet,
  5. Requires no other software or server to run or view its contents.
  6. No expense incurred as no software is required to use this technology.


5.2.4     Other selections:

The time period was considered very short to learn and use

  1. Other base languages and their further interconnectivity to 3D graphics, databases and
  2. Visualization software for content creation.

Hence already known technologies were used. Java (jdk 1.3) was chosen as base programming language and AutoCAD, 3DSMAX, Corel Photo-Paint was chosen as visualization software. Java provides easy connectivity with various databases by provision of API’s. The facility to export 3DSMAX content into VRML or 3DS or DXF format and the corresponding loaders provided by Java3D to read these formats proved vital for selection of these industry standard commercial software. Since licenses for these software packages were already available at the University, no extra expense was required.


Considering these items, it was concluded that the combination of Java, Java3D, XML and AutoCAD, 3DSMAX, Corel PhotoPaint was an excellent selection for successful implementation of the proposed first stage of the application (within the available time limit) and possible future expansion.

5.3       Implementation task list (Top)

After selection of the right combination of technologies, a list of expected main tasks was created to keep a quick reference of all the tasks that needed to be performed in order to achieve the final objective. The following list is a final list giving all the main tasks that were performed:

  1. Integrate Java3D into SWING.
  2. Import VRML file.
  3. Import multiple VRML files.
  4. Explore structure of imported VRML File.
  5. Create Walk behavior (Keyboard Navigation).
  6. Create native file format using XML.
  7. Create associations between images, text, and models.
  8. Test loading of native file format.
  9. Removal of visual-objects from Navigation Viewport, on file open.
  10. Additions of new visual objects to Navigation Viewport, on file open.
  11. Removal of visual-objects from Examination Viewport, on file open.
  12. Create facility to clear Text, Image and Examination Viewports.
  13. Create facility to show a bigger Image from the images viewport (multiple windows).
  14. Create facility to show a new Text window from the text viewport (multiple windows).
  15. Create picking of visual objects.
  16. Disposal and freeing up of resources on exit.
  17. Display Introduction text in Text Viewport on file Open.
  18. Show text related to identified detailed visual object
  19. Identify picked visual object
  20. Display Introduction image in Image Viewport when file is opened
  21. Create loading of detailed visual object
  22. Identify detailed visual object
  23. Show image related to identified detailed visual object
  24. Identify which viewport is active.
  25. Use of bounds to automatically show text & image of the nearest visual objects.
  26. Separate toggles to stop & start automatic text and image display.
  27. Image display when starting the tool (Splash screen).
  28. Create Panning behavior (keyboard navigation).
  29. Create thumbnail viewer for all images.
  30. Create category text viewing
  31. Find and display distance information from the two vertices.
  32. Visual objects building of prototype.
  33. Create associations between VRML, images and text (XML File) of prototype.
  34. Create Detailed Visual Objects of prototype.
  35. Create a method to show which objects are double clickable.
  36. Create a method for showing feedback for long processes (“loading…. objects”).
  37. Create Examination behavior (mouse)(Orbit behavior).
  38. Create facility to show user manual in html format by opening default browser.
  39. Create facility to open the default e-mailer to send feedback to creator.
  40. Create facility to see details about the application.


As the tasks were completed, they were checked off. The task list went under constant revisions during the entire implementation process.

5.4       Arrangement of geometry by Java3D (Top)

This section explains two diagrams, which show the arrangement of geometry by Java3D after reading a VRML file and adding the required behaviors and other changes (e.g. capabilities). These diagrams are called scenegraphs and they are used to access or manipulate the geometry and its associated behaviors in Java3D. This is only a representation while Java3D internally stores the data in a different manner in order to carry out the required optimization process for real-time rendering.


5.4.1     Navigation Viewport Scenegraph Arrangement

The navigation viewport  is divided into two parts: a. Geometry Branchgroup and b. View Branchgroup and addresses three different behaviors:

  1. Keyboard Navigation Behavior: This behavior is used to navigate in the virtual world using the keyboard (see appendix 3 User Manual No.4 for details) and hence requires the viewing platform to be modified.
  2. Text Bounds Behavior and Image Bounds Behavior is used to display the text or images or both (depending on the user selection) when the view platform intersects the defined bounds in the virtual world.
  3. Picking behavior (not shown in the diagram) which allows identification of the vObjUnit and retrieve the associated text and image information when the mouse is double clicked on a particular part of the virtual world (if the information is available).


Figure 5.1: Scenegraph arrangement for Navigation viewport


The Geometry Branchgroup consists of one main branchgroup. The branchgroup created by reading each vObj is added to this branchgroup to form the entire virtual world for navigation. Before adding any vObj branchgroups to the main branchgroup, the bounds behaviors (text and image) are added to it and picking behavior is added to transformgroup (TG) of each shape (S) contained in each vObj, along with setting the appropriate capabilities. When a new file is opened, the main branchgroup is removed thus removing all the geometry content, and a new main branchgroup is added to the locale of the simple universe.


The Simple Universe class in the Java3D API provided most of the View Branchgroup construction. The only modification is addition of the keyboard navigation behavior to the transform group. The view branchgraph is never removed.


5.4.2          Examination Viewport Scenegraph Arrangement

Like the Navigation viewport, this too is divided into two parts: a. Geometry Branchgroup and b. View Branchgroup and addresses two different behaviors:

  1. Orbit Behavior: This behavior is used to rotate, zoom or translate in the virtual world using various combinations of mouse and keyboard buttons (see appendix 3 User Manual No.10 for details) and hence requires the viewing platform to be modified.
  2. Picking behavior (not shown in the diagram) which allows identification of the detVObjUnit and retrieve the associated text and image information when the mouse is double clicked on a particular part of the virtual world (if the information is available).


Figure 5.2: Scenegraph arrangement for Examination viewport


When a new file is opened or the viewport is cleared, only the geometry branchgroup is removed from the simple universe and a new one is added when appropriate.



  1. L – Locale; BG – BranchGroup; TG – TransformGroup; S – Shape3D; B – Behavior; VP – View Platform
  2. Details on scenegrah diagrams – See References-Bibliography No.10

5.5              Collection of data for content creation and database building (Top)

For creating the content of the St. George’s Database, the following types of data were collected:

  1. AutoCAD drawings (ground, first, second and site plans only) from Estate Services, University of Sheffield. These drawings were prepared by Peter Wright and Martyn Phelps architectural Firm for refurbishment of the church to convert it into housing flats and a lecture theatre for the University of Sheffield.
  2. A few partial sections (probably manually drafted – no section through the tower) on A1 size paper from Estate Services and prepared by the above named architects for the same purpose.
  3. A photocopied version of ordnance survey plan of this area was available from the Local studies library (not included in the database although it can be easily added).
  4. Historical text information from books available at the Local studies library of Sheffield.
  5. Architectural text information from Listed building information available from local studies library as well as the English Heritage.
  6. Arial photograph from (not included in the database although it can be easily added).
  7. A few old photographs were available on some Internet sites and books but were not used in the database to avoid copyright issues. These can be easily incorporated in the database. Hence as examples, many photographs were taken at the site and used in the database to demonstrate the facility.


Note: All contact details are provided in the “References” section.

5.6       Content Creation (Top)

This section describes the three main aspects that were involved in the creation of the content that would be required in the database of the proposed prototype. Three main formats (Geometry –VRML, Images – JPEG and Text – TXT) were considered.


5.6.1     Geometry

The geometry of the prototype (St. George’s Church) was created using the collected orthographic projections (figure 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5) with reference to actual photographs taken on the site. The first model was built in a standard style using AutoCAD without consideration to polygon count limits. This was the first step in the geometric content creation and was done in order to get a number on how many polygons are required to accurately document the external view of the prototype.


The first raw model resulted in approximately 237,000 polygons (without the landscape and interior details) when exported to 3DSMAX. AutoCAD does not entirely work on vertex-polygon system, while number of polygons can be controlled via exporting AutoCAD file to MAX. Textures were applied (using two sided materials wherever required). The textured model was then exported into VRML format along with 4 lights and tested. The frames/sec was benchmarked at 0.3 fps (see benchmarking below). As this frame rate was completely unacceptable, the model was taken up for thorough optimization, the aim being achievement of a respectable frame rate of 10 – 13 fps on the target machine. The optimization included the following processes:

  1. Control the number of polygons while exporting from AutoCAD to MAX by changing the “Surface Deviation” parameter yet without losing the accuracy. Through this parameter, the model was brought down to 120000 polygons without any loss of detail.
  2. Removal of unwanted and unseen polygons.
  3. Changing all the textures to single sided and flipping the normals of the polygons to their correct orientation
  4. Welding the duplicate vertices to reduce the number of vertices and thus the data size.
  5. Splitting the model into smaller parts to make maximum utilization of view culling.
  6. Splitting the model into instance-able parts to reduce the data size and thus decrease the loading time.

Finally the model was good enough to show individual detailed objects in the examination viewport (approx. 10000 polygons per detailed part of the structure – each detVObj in XMLFile). The model for navigation was stripped off of complicated details (mostly curved surfaces) and curved surfaces were further optimised until the number of polygons was reduced to approximately 28000. This gave a frame rate of 9 to 13 fps on the target machine and was considered sufficient for a smooth walk through.









Figure 5.3: AutoCAD Plan of St. George’s


Figure 5.4: Paper Drawing of Cross Section

Figure 5.5: AutoCAD Model


For creation of individual detailed parts of the structure (to be rendered in the examination viewport), the 12000-polygon model (after the above mentioned six processes and before stripping) was used. This model was further split into logical parts of the structure according to the availability of text and image based information (although some information was not available and is indicated accordingly). The examination viewport thus, allows close scrutiny of every detail of the structure and hence forms the most important aspect of this application.


The following modeling processes were documented during the process of creating the geometric content using AutoCAD, MAX and Corel PhotoPaint.

  1. The model is to be built in AutoCAD using decimeters.
  2. AutoCAD file should be exported into MAX using Weld Threshold of 0.01 (only if the model is precise, else the vertices not required to be fused, may get welded resulting in a bad, inaccurate model) and Surface Deviation set to 3 for detailed model (this gives less polygons as well as good curved surfaces). Weld option can be kept unselected while exporting, as the number of vertices does not affect the frame rate in any way. For low polygon model, surface deviation of 12 should be used.
  3. The visual objects should be located near or around the origin as the camera position will be at origin (model should be moved in MAX only after the model has been finalized or ensure that the AutoCAD model is in the correct position right from the beginning).
  4. The model is to be exported into VRML’97 file format from MAX for final use in the XML file.
  5. All visual objects should be editable meshes (i.e. no primitives or shape-extrudes should be used)
  6. All primitives should be collapsed to editable meshes before applying UV mapping and then exported.
  7. Grouped objects should not be used.
  8. Lights should be kept in separate file.
  9. Separate file should be created for each double-clickable visual object.
  10. Separate file should be created for sensors details.
  11. Separate file should be created for high level of detail models. These should be located at the origin to allow proper rotation about its center. Ideally these could be in the same location as the lower level of detailed models, so they can be used as LODs if required.
  12. Textured material should have diffuse colour as close to the texture colour. This is for proper texture and colour modulation for Gouraud shading in Java3D.
  13. Double-sided textures should not be used.
  14. Bitmap size should not be higher than 128 x 128 pixels. Hi-resolution textures affect the fps to some extent (see benchmarking).
  15. Repetitive visual objects should be instanced. This drastically reduces the VRML file size and hence the loading time. But this does not affect the real time rendering time in any way.
  16. All polygons, which are not seen or are duplicated or are unwanted, should be removed (e.g. if interior is not to be considered, all polygons which are inside the structure should be removed). This also removes the z-buffer effect.
  17. Ensure that no two polygons are exactly in the same position. This causes z-buffer effect (flickering).
  18. Sensor (i.e.Bounds) geometry should not overlap or be inside one another.
  19. Use 2 omni lights, one at about intensity 3, and the other at about 2.5. Place the two lights diagonally opposite each other. Also place them in such a manner that for each light the right-angled facades form an approximate 30-60 relation with the rays from the light. Each facade will have a different shade for all four facades and it will give a good edge definition (especially if textures on each facade is same).
  20. Mirroring should not be used for creating visual objects in MAX since these visual objects are not exported properly into VRML. The UV coordinates are not calculated properly and results in undesirable texture rendering. Wherever possible use “rotate” and incase of visual objects, which are exact mirror, these should be created independently in AutoCAD.
  21. Number of polygons on PIII 450, 16MB VRAM, 256MB RAM system should not exceed:
    1. Approx. 30000 for navigation viewport
    2. Approx. 10000 for examination viewport.


5.6.2          Images

Site visits were made to photograph the structure as and when required. The details were captured using a digital camera (FujiFilm FinePix 1300) and edited using Corel PhotoPaint to suit the following sizes:

  1. Big Images not greater than 576 x 432 pixels
  2. Small Images not greater than 201 x 151 pixels

AutoCAD orthographic projection drawings were exported as JPEG images while the paper drawings were scanned and edited.


Some areas of the Church (nave) were not possible to be photographed due to inaccessibility and this would require professional involvement.


5.6.3          Text

Text based information was photocopied from books and OCR software was used to create a file of *.txt or *.doc format. These files were then used to make further categories (historical and architectural for each vObjUnit) as required for the various parts in the database of St. George’s Church.


5.6.4          Benchmarking of the frame rate

Benchmarking was carried out using J3Dfly VRML Browser developed and available from Java Sun Microsystems. The following tables give the exact results of the benchmarking, which was used to optimize the St. George’s Church Geometry content:


1. Actual St. Georges’ Church File



No. of Tex.














Few (~4)


~038500      (optimized)




Few (~4)


~025000 (only tower)




Few (~2)



2. Tests with simple file 36000 polygons – high-res bitmaps (max about 1024 x 1024 pixels)
































3. Tests with same simple file (as no.2) – very low-res bitmaps (max about 128 x 128 pixels)
































4. Tests with simple file 28800 polygons – very low-res bitmaps (max about 128 x 128 pixels)




















Table 5.1: Benchmarking results

5.7       Testing (Top)

After content creation testing of the application was carried out in much detail and it consisted of two parts - Specification based (Black Box) testing and Usability Testing. For complete details refer to the next chapter (No.6) on Testing.

5.8       Documentation

Documentation process was considered important right from the Interim Report stage. Every effort was made to document the progress, problems faced and solutions on each day. The logbook is available for reference as an appendix 1 to this dissertation.


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