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Appendix 2. Usability
Testing Form
Field of
Aim of the project:
To provide a referencing tool for architectural heritage
conservationists and the general population, which facilitates easy
referencing between existing diverse formats of documents, using new media
and virtual reality.
You will now be introduced to
the application called ARCHERR and its functions will be demonstrated.
After the introduction and
demonstration you have to perform the following operations using ARCHERR (user
manual is provided for reference):
- Start the application.
- Open a data file (currently only one file exists St. Georges
- Navigate in the Navigation viewport (using keyboard).
- Identify any two clickable parts of the structure (using the
- Find text based historical information on any two parts of the
structure (automatically while navigating or by double clicking on a
particular part of the structure).
- Find text based architectural information on any two parts of
the structure.
- Find image based information on any two parts of the structure
(automatically while navigating or by double clicking on a particular
part of the structure).
- Find image (close-ups) based information on any two parts of the
- Examine any two parts of the structure in complete detail,
individually (using mouse).
- Find distance between two points in the navigation viewport.
- Find categorized text information on the structure.
- Refer (or compare) multiple text information.
- Refer (or compare) multiple image information.
- View thumbnail images.
After performing the operations please read the
following list of features:
Navigating in the Navigation viewport (using keyboard).
Identifying clickable objects of the structure (using the mouse).
Finding text based historical information on various parts of the structure.
Finding text based architectural information on various parts of the
Finding image-based information on various parts of the structure.
Finding image based (close-up details) information on various parts of
the structure.
Examining various parts of the structure in complete detail,
individually (using mouse).
Finding distance between two points.
Finding categorized text information on the structure.
Viewing all images using thumbnail.
Referring to (or comparing) multiple text information.
L. Referring to (or
comparing) multiple image information.
Now using the list of
features, answer the following questions:
- Which features did you like about the application?
Select from the list and mention the alphabets as necessary (e.g. A, H,
- Which features did you dislike or felt
uncomfortable to use? Select from the list and mention the alphabets as
necessary (e.g. A, H, L).
- Did you find any irrelevant features in the
application? Select from the list and mention the alphabets as necessary
(e.g. A, H, L).
- What changes would you like in this application?
(Use the list of features as reference).
- How would you rate the difficulty level of using
the overall application? (Very easy, easy, difficult, very difficult).
- What features would you like to put in this
application? Tick from list below. Mention any other possibilities.
- Walk through exterior as well as interior spaces.
- More realistic navigation (no walking thru the
walls, respecting the terrain).
- Better identification of clickable objects.
- Powerful dimension queries giving information
like grid location, mean sea level, area by selection of points and
allowing selection of midpoints/ perpendiculars/ endpoints/ center of curves
- Improved and easy browsing of images with
- Orthographic projection viewport, with
interactive cross-section generating facility (allowing user to specify
the cutting plane).
- Navigators current location in top view.
- Advanced examination viewport (constraints on
each axis rotation, buttons for rotate, zoom and translate &
facility to get back to original position, zoom extents etc.).
- Faster loading of files.
- Keyword search in all text based information
- Addition of audio feedback (playing the text
information and any related musical pieces, speeches etc.) and video
playback support.
- Other
- Do you think this application in its current state
will be useful for the purpose it is meant for? (Yes/No, if no then
- If not then, do you think this application can made
useful in some other way? (Yes/No, if yes then how?).
- Do you think there is a future potential for this
application? (Yes/No).
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