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This dissertation demonstrates that there is a strong need for gathering and linking together various type of heritage data. The dissertation application shows that it is possible to create such a “heritage archiving and referencing system” using current technology of virtual reality, which can easily work on a standard PC platform without any compromise on accuracy of data. Since it gives a simple interface for referring to and archiving cross-referenced data of various formats, it facilitates quick retrieval of relevant information. This in turn, would save valuable time for heritage specialists including researchers, historians, conservationists and students. Furthermore, due to its simple interface, it can be extended for use by the general population who may have strong interests in particular heritage structures or may be just curious to learn more, or may want to study the heritage before visiting it in actuality.

Successful or Not Successful?

The question of success can be discussed relating to the above-mentioned aspects of the dissertation project. As far as integration and creation of cross-references between data of various types is concerned, the application can be considered as successful. In terms of creating a simple user interface for easy retrieval of this information, the application can be considered successful. In terms of using virtual reality technology to portray accurate data, this too can be considered successful. But the real success can be considered only when this application is used for the purpose it is meant for and that is practical usage by various recording and archiving institutions.

Next step:

The next major step is dissemination of this information to allow practical usage. To disseminate this information the following actions are of vital importance:

  1. Make the application known to the target user community (conservationists, students, historians and general population and most importantly, heritage archiving organisations).
  2. Educate the target user community on the usage of computer systems and its advantages over existing methods.

Concurrently, the application needs to be developed and enhanced further and this would require bringing together professionals from six fields. The professionals involved would be

  1. Architectural conservationist,
  2. Historian,
  3. Photographer,
  4. 3D-Graphics Programmer (and GUI designer),
  5. 3D Modeller and
  6. Texture Artist.

Most important of all, this would require sound financial backing and strong belief in the application of virtual reality in architectural conservation and archaeology.


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