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4.1       Introduction

This chapter gives details of the implementation design for the first stage (stages described in chapter 3), which is the process after business class. After formulating the requirements analysis, specifications of the proposed application and design of a business class diagram, the details of implementation design were prepared (along with experiments on various available technologies). The implementation design was organised into five main sections. The starting point was based on a simple 3D model, which would then be replaced by the actual 3D model of the selected heritage structure (i.e. St. George’s Church). It was decided to use an iterative implementation process i.e. first design and implement a very basic application using the above mentioned simple data file and then convert or add extra details to the initial design, finally replacing this simple data with the actual data of the selected heritage structure.

4.2.      Design of database (Top)

This section describes how the first database was designed using a simple 3D model, which was finally replaced by the model of the selected heritage structure. A simple geometry file as shown in figure 4.1 was considered.


Figure 4.1: Geometry Representation in XML File


This XML file can be explained as follows:

  1. An XML file for this application consists of various visual objects identified by their ids (e.g. VobjUnit id = box is one such visual object).
  2. Each id consists of a sensor area and the actual geometry (i.e. Vobj). The sensor area is shown as a rectangle in the figure for simplicity. This is actually defined as an invisible box around the VObj in the virtual environment. The sensor (or “bounds” in Java3D terminology) is used to sense if the navigator is inside or near a particular area and extract the associated data.
  3. For each VobjUnit there is also a detailed visual object (detVObj) associated. This is not shown in the figure for simplicity. The purpose of this geometry is to give accurate detail in terms of geometry for that particular VobjUnit.
  4. Thus the geometry of one VobjUnit can be represented as “vObj + sensor + detVObj”.
  5. Similarly the entire geometry based data can be represented in the XML file as

VObjUnit id = 1 + VObjUnit id = 2 + VObjUnit id = 3 and so on.

  1. The images data and the text data for each VobjUnit were then added to complete the database and its links. Thus, each VObj and each detVObj had a text file and an image file associated in the VObjUnit.
  2. As the images were too many and the size was big, it was decided to split the images into small and big images to make the application display images quickly.
  3. Finally data that could not be associated with any geometry (e.g. introduction text, introduction image, text information and orthographic images unrelated to any of the VobjUnits) was added to complete the database.
  4. This simple data file was then used as a template for the actual data set of St. George’s church (see Figure 4.2).
  5. A file format validity check (signature) was introduced to identify that the correct format of XML file is opened.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


       <validityCheck> n3d </validityCheck>

       <introText> introText.txt </introText>

       <introImage> introImage.jpg </introImage>

       <introBigImage> introBigImage.jpg </introBigImage>


       <!--Geometry and related stuff-->

       <vObjUnit id = "Tower Level 01">

              <vObj> TowerLvl01.wrl </vObj>

              <vObjText> TowerLvl01Text.txt </vObjText>

              <vObjImage> TowerLvl01Image.jpg </vObjImage>

              <vObjBigImage> TowerLvl01BigImage.jpg </vObjBigImage>

              <detVObj> TowerLvl01DetGeom.wrl </detVObj>

              <detVObjText> TowerLvl01DetText.txt </detVObjText>

              <detVObjImage> TowerLvl01DetImage.jpg </detVObjImage>

              <detVObjBigImage> TowerLvl01DetBigImage.jpg </detVObjBigImage>

              <sensor> TowerLvl01Sensor.wrl </sensor>



       <vObjUnit id = "Tower Level 02">

              <vObj> TowerLvl02.wrl </vObj>

              <vObjText> TowerLvl02Text.txt </vObjText>

              <vObjImage> TowerLvl02Image.jpg </vObjImage>







<!--Orthographic projection images-->

       <orthoImage id = "Site Plan">

              <image> siteplan.jpg </image>

              <bigImage> bigSitePlan.jpg </bigImage>



       <orthoImage id = "Plan">

              <image> plan.jpg </image>

              <bigImage> bigPlan.jpg </bigImage>





<!--Text data by categories-->


              <bldgName> bldgName.txt </bldgName>

              <address> address.txt </address>

              <cartogRef> cartographicRef.txt </cartogRef>

              <natGrid> catText\natGrid.txt </natGrid>

              <bldgType> bldType.txt </bldgType>

              <bldgCat> bldgCategory.txt </bldgCat>




Figure 4.2: Final XML File (in fragments)

4.3       GUI design of Application (Top)

Chapter 3 shows the GUI design of a future application (incorporating all the advanced features). This section shows the different alternatives of GUI’s that were designed for implementation of the first stage of the application. The following alternatives were devised and revised following the principles of graphic user interface design:


First attempt:

Title Bar

Menu Bar

Tool Bar

Examination Viewport



Navigation Viewport






Image Viewport




Text Viewport



This was the first design for the first stage of the proposed application. The screen size was fixed at 800 x 600 as most of the users are comfortable with this resolution and it is the least standard used by all the monitors. The problems that were encountered with this design were:

1.       Small and elongated area for the text viewport in prime estate.

2.       Examination viewport is expected to be the most interacted with and yet it was not located in the lower right area.


Second attempt:

Title Bar

Menu Bar

Tool Bar

Navigation Viewport



Examination Viewport



Image Viewport




Text Viewport



This was the second design for the first stage of the proposed application. The screen size had to be kept the same hence this design provided no solutions. The problems that were encountered with this design were:

1.       Small and elongated area for the text viewport in prime estate.

2.       Navigation Viewport is also expected to be the most interacted with and it was not located in the lower right area.


Final attempt:

Title Bar

Menu Bar

Tool Bar

Text Viewport


Navigation Viewport






Examination Viewport


Image Viewport




This was the final and most satisfactory design for the first stage of the proposed application while keeping the screen size.

1.          Text viewport was better organised and located on the left side.

2.          The most interacted viewports (Navigation, Examination and Images) were appropriately located together on the right side.


Function of each area is described as follows:

  1. Title Bar shows the Application Icon and the Application Name (ARCHERR). When an appropriate data file is opened, the file name is added to the Application name.
  2. Menu Bar gives access (with standard keyboard shortcuts) to various features of the application.
  3. Tool Bar gives alternative access to various features of the application along with additional toggle actions.
  4. Text viewport shows the relevant information as the user navigates or double clicks to find more information.
  5. Navigation viewport allows the user to navigate in the virtual environment of the opened heritage site using the keyboard.
  6. Examination viewport allows the user to examine selected objects (from the Navigation viewport) by rotating, translating and zooming into the object using the mouse. The importance of the examination should not be undermined as depending upon the design of the database, the minutest of the details with complete accuracy can be viewed and examined in isolation but with reference to the navigation viewport (e.g. In the St. George’s Church database, the buttress is a very small part of the entire structure and since the data is provided in the database, it can be double clicked in the navigation viewport to open a detailed version for examination in the examination viewport).
  7. Image viewport shows the relevant real world pictures while navigating or when double clicked on a particular object in the Navigation viewport or the examination viewport.


Note: It was decided not to use mouse for navigation as most mouse functions were already being used for obvious purposes like double clicking, rotating and finding distances. To separate out the functionality and avoid confusion, keyboard navigation was implemented. This proved to be advantageous as keyboard navigation is far more accurate than mouse navigation besides allowing multiple functions (see appendix 3 User Manual No.4 and No.10 for details on keyboard and mouse functions respectively).

4.4 Design of user actions and corresponding application actions (Top)

This section gives a table of refined actions that were expected to be performed by the user. This section was felt to be of utmost importance before the beginning of the implementation process and was modified iteratively due to constraints dictated by JDK1.3.0 API, the usability issues, and hardware issues.



User Action

Application Action


User opens file (of type *.xml)

- Remove all existing geometries from the Navigation viewport (including sensors).

- Extract <vObj> and <sensor> data (of type *.vrml) for each <vObjUnit> and display the complete virtual environment in the navigation viewport.

- Remove the data from the Text viewport if any.

- Extract <introText> data (of type *.txt) and display the text in the text viewport.

- Remove the data from the Images viewport if any.

- Extract <introImage> data (of type *.jpg) and display the image in the images viewport.

- Remove all data from the Examination viewport.

- Create a list of all images in the database for reference.


User enters a sensor area while navigating.

- Identify <vObjUnit> for sensor area the user is in.

- Clear text and images viewport.

- Extract <vObjText> data for that <vObjUnit> and display it in the text viewport (if “show text details automatically” is set to “on”).

- Extract <vObjImage> data for that <vObjUnit> and display it in the images viewport (if “show images automatically” is set to “on”).


User double clicks on a part of model in the navigation viewport.

- Identify <vObjUnit> for part of the model the user has double clicked.

- Clear examination viewport.

- Extract <detVObj> data (of type *.vrml) for that <vObjUnit> and display it in the examination viewport.

- Clear Images viewport.

- Extract <vObjImage> data (of type *.jpg) for that <vObjUnit> and display it in the Images viewport.

- The user can then rotate, translate, zoom into the detailed model.


User selects “Find Distance” option.

- Turn off double clicking.


User selects first point using the mouse.

- Snap to the nearest vertex of the geometry and display the selected point in the navigation viewport.

- Extract and store the co-ordinates of this point.


User selects second point using the mouse.

- Snap to the nearest vertex of the geometry and display the selected point in the navigation viewport.

- Extract and store the co-ordinates of this point.

- Calculate distances in ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ axes and actual distance and display the result through a dialog box.

- Ask the user whether the selection points should be cleared and remove if user answers “yes”.


User double clicks on the detailed model in the examination viewport.

- Identify <vObjUnit> for the detailed model the user has double clicked.

- Clear text and images viewport.

- Extract <detVObjText> data for that <vObjUnit> and display it in the text viewport (override “show text details automatically” setting).

- Extract <detVObjImage> data for that <vObjUnit> and display it in the images viewport (override “show images automatically” setting).


User selects “Show Category Text” option.

- Ask the user to select a category of textual information through another window.


User selects and clicks “Show Result” button.

- Display the relevant text after extracting from <categorizedText>.


User selects “View All Images” option.

- Extract all <vObjImage>

- Extract all <detVObjImage>

- Extract all <OrthoImages>

- Create thumbnail images and display them in a tabbed pane for all three.


Clear All

- Clear the examination viewport, images viewport and text viewport.


Clear examination viewport

- Clear the examination viewport.


Clear images viewport

- Clear the imagesviewport.


Clear text viewport

- Clear the text viewport.


User double clicks on text viewport

- Open a new window

- Display the text from the text viewport.


User double clicks on image viewport

- Open a new window

- Display a bigger image of the image currently in the images viewport.


User Clicks on Help Button

- Open the default browser and display the html version of help.


User Clicks on Quit Button

- Clear the navigation, examination and images viewports and exit the application.


User Clicks on About button

- Open a dialog box displaying information about the application.


User Clicks on Contact button

- Open the default mailer program with the creators email address already filled in.


Table 4.1 User Actions and Application Actions

4.5       Implementation Classes (Top)

This section enumerates the final classes that were used in the implementation of the application.


Figure 4.3 shows a class diagram of the implementation. The relationship of Action classes and helper classes is not shown to avoid complexity and confusion. Also many relationships exist between the multi functional ToolBar with other classes (similarly for MenuBar) but only the important ones are shown in this diagram. Description of each class is given for clarification.


Figure 4.3: Class Diagram showing important relations


The classes were iteratively modified and new classes were added during the implementation stage and were logically divided into the following parts:

Main Class:

1.       Archerr

This class contains the main method. It first creates a SplashWindow displaying the splash image and then constructs the GUI classes of the ArchRefFrame class.


GUI Classes:

1.       ArchRefFrame

This class creates the first GUI using the following components when the application is started for the first time (component classes underlined in figure 4.3):

a.       XscrollPane: Allows scrolling of XTextArea forming the Text Viewport.

b.       NaviPanel: Creates the Navigation Viewport by adding an instance Canvas3D.

c.       ExamPanel: Creates the Examination Viewport by adding an instance of Canvas3D.

d.       ImagePanel: Creates the Images Viewport.

e.       XMenuBar: Creates the MenuBar.

f.        XtoolBar: Creates the ToolBar.

2.       XtextFrame

This class is instantiated only when the mouse is double clicked inside the XtextArea and there is text displayed in the XtextArea. This class creates a new window displaying the text from the XtextArea.

3.       BigImageFrame

This class is instantiated only when the mouse is double clicked inside the ImagePanel and there is image displayed in the ImagePanel. This class creates a new window with BigImagePanel and displays a bigger image of the one displayed in the ImagePanel. This class is also instantiated when mouse is clicked on the thumbnail images displayed in the AllImageFrame.

4.       CatFrame

This class is instantiated when the Cat. Button in the XToolBar or the XMenuBar is clicked. This class uses checkboxes for selection of categorised text and display the selected text in a scrollable TextArea. This class is instantiated only when a data file has been opened.

5.       AllImageFrame

This class is instantiated when the Thumb. Button in the XToolBar or the XMenuBar is clicked. This class uses a TabbedPane to display images in three categories:

a.       AllImagePanel displays thumbnail images of all main images.

b.       AllDetImagePanel displays thumbnail images of all close up images.

c.       AllOrthoImagePanel displays thumbnail images of all orthographic drawing images.

6.       FeedBack

This class is used to display appropriate message in a new window on top of the NaviPanel for any long actions. This class is used in three places (a) when mouse is double clicked in the navigation viewport to load the corresponding detailed part of the structure in the Examination Viewport (b) when a data file is in the process of being opened and (c) while creating thumbnail images to be displayed in AllImageFrame.


Helper Classes:

1.       XMLFilter

This class is used to show only XML files in the JFileChooser.

2. (Static)

This class provides the data store (current file, image filenames etc) during the use of the application and provides accessor methods to read any information from the data file under consideration.


Action Classes:

  1. AboutAction: Used to display a dialog box (with the information about the application) when the “About” button in XtoolBar or XMenuBar is clicked.
  2. AllImAction: Used to instantiate the AllImageFrame when the “Thumb.” button in XtoolBar or XMenuBar is clicked.
  3. BigDetImageAction: Used to display a big image when a detailed thumbnail image is clicked.
  4. BigImageAction: Used to display a big image when a main thumbnail image is clicked.
  5. BigOrthoImageAction: Used to display a big image when an ortho thumbnail image is clicked.
  6. CatAction: Used to instantiate the CatFrame when the “Cat.”button in XtoolBar or XMenuBar is clicked.
  7. ClearExamAction: Removes all the visual objects from the ExamPanel after displaying a confirmation dialog box.
  8. ClearImageAction: Removes the image from the ImagePanel after displaying a confirmation dialog box.
  9. ClearTextAction Removes the text from the XTextArea after displaying a confirmation dialog box.
  10. ClearAllAction: Executes ClearExamAction, ClearImageAction and ClearTextAction together after displaying a confirmation dialog box.
  11. ClickAction: Enables and disables identification of clickable objects in the NaviPanel.
  12. DistAction: Enables the distance finding facility in the NaviPanel.
  13. ImagesToggleAction: Enables or disables automatic display of images in the ImagePanel while navigating in the NaviPanel.
  14. TextToggleAction: Enables or disables automatic display of text in the XTextArea while navigating in the NaviPanel.
  15. TextBoundsBehavior: Used to get relevant text when automatic text display is switched on.
  16. ImagesBoundsBehavior: Used to get relevant image when automatic image display is switched on.
  17. OpenAction: Instantiates the JFileChooser to allow selection of data file for loading when “Open” button in XtoolBar or XMenuBar is clicked.
  18. QuitAction: Closes the application after freeing up resources when “Quit” button in XtoolBar or XMenuBar is clicked.
  19. WebAction: Used to open the default browser or the default mailer client when the “Manual” button or the “Contact” button button in XtoolBar or XMenuBar is clicked.


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